The Brothertown Indian Nation is a community rich in cultural diversity and tradition. We have long relied on strong relationships and “brotherhood” connections with many native communities that have helped us flourish, today and throughout history. As a tribe that was forged through the unity of seven separate communities, becoming one, the Brothertown Indian Nation strives to build a sense of community, while our people are living in all four corners of Turtle Island.

Our community provides many ways for tribal members, descendants, and supporters to learn more about our cultural traditions, shared history and ceremonies, arts and crafts, as well as volunteer opportunities. We work hard together to maintain our culture for generations to come and are proud to share it with our friends and neighbors.
Additionally, our tribe has a history of giving back and supporting the communities we are a part of. From supporting a free clinic for all at our Community Center, giving out meals during the pandemic, to our local volunteering for a number of civic minded activities and involvement. We also take a larger look at where we can do good, whether it is our members involvement in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples or our role with the Regents committee of the University of Wisconsin in development of the Indigenous Peoples Initiatives and helping secure educational activities to all the tribal members throughout the state.
Below are listed some of our initiatives both to tribal members to further out tribal unity, education and support among our members or external activities to better serve society in general and the bigger picture.
Outreach and support of our local communities and groups: Focused on making a positive impact and giving back
- Education:
- The Tribe and its members offer grants and scholarships not only to our members but also to other indigenous peoples to further their educational success. We believe in supporting an education as a steppingstone to personal success.
- Participate in consultation meetings with the university of Wisconsin Regents – which is involved with increasing recruitment, enrollment, and retention of American Indian students, furthering Research and other activity on land controlled by a tribe a well as increasing educational programs intended for tribal students.
- Inter-Tribal events:
- We support ongoing inter-tribal activities such as the Snow Snake competition which to the ingenious people’s date back over 500 years – before the arrival of Europeans to our shores.
- The members participate in powwows, meetings, and events to further these ties with our fellow Wisconsin tribal communities and have ongoing cultural exchanges among the other tribes.

- Local communities:
- Our Tribe and members also actively support our local communities through recurring event like the roadside clean up, caring for local cemeteries, participation in the Annual Water Walk around Lake Winnebago, health initiatives like our open clinic for the community for Covid shots – open and free to the local population, and others.
- Involved actively with the “commUNITY – United for Diversity”, events helping support and celebrate all the ethnic groups around Fond du Lac and the local area where we share our history, our ancestral foods, entertainment such as drumming and native American dance.
- Environment:
- The tribe is also instrumental in environmental programs, working with the University of Wisconsin – Madison on the wild rice restoration project intended to better the health of Lake Winnebago as well as restore a key resource (wild rice) relied on by our ancestors living around the lake
- Support for important initiatives:
- Our tribe is involved and supports the state’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples with a member on the task force focused on changing the awareness and laws on this important subject too long ignored.
- Cultural:
- We hold powwows educating the community and members of our culture and heritage
- We have been involved in several initiatives over the years educating the public and schools on not only our own heritage and culture – but Native Americans as well.
- Such as a traveling exhibit, our veterans routinely taking part in parades and celebrations, public presentations, discussions, and meetings in partnership with historical societies, libraries and other groups
The Tribal community: focused on inclusion, support, education, brotherhood, engagement, and communication

- A few of our Tribal events:
- Brothertown Annual Picnic
- Brothertown Indian Nation Powwow – usually the first weekend in April (Covid rules permitting)
- Routine and regular events to maintenance and upkeep of the burial grounds of our ancestors in New York and Wisconsin
- Annual Brothertown Homecoming – third week in October
- Committee and options for Tribal engagement
- Regular community craft events and games at our community center
- Member involvement in a variety of community events like Walk around Lake Winnebago, Eeyamquittoowauconnuck Walk Across America, pilgrimage to our ancestral home on the east coast (like our Yale shape note singing event) as well as to our former reservation lands in NY, pot-luck events and more
- Strong focus on member engagement and inclusiveness wherever our members find themselves
- Recently celebrating our 30th annual Minnesota annual meeting and gathering
- Our 7th Pacific Northwest Gathering
- Monthly Zoom Council meetings to foster communication and Tribal unity
- Monthly Peacemaker meetings
- With the onset of Covid we have been having virtual gatherings, Homecoming, educational program, town halls, Auctions, etc.