The parents of the first leaders of the Brothertown tribe placed a high value on the education of their children and because they sacrificed for that education, we are here today. Education is about opportunity and opportunities can be found in classrooms and beyond.
Listed below are just some of the educational opportunities for Native Americans. Some, but not all, are limited to enrolled members of federally recognized tribes.
- Smithsonian Native American Awards Program
- Washington Internships for Native Students
- The Native American Women’s Health Resource Center
- The Charles Mouz Pamp Memorial Scholarship application can be viewed here. Applications are being accepted until May 1. This fund has been established to provide an annual Grant Award to selected applicants for the purpose of furthering education efforts of Native American students. The award is based on demonstrated need as shown in the application and confirmed by elders or school counselor in the applicant’s community or school. Also of consideration is the community and cultural participation by the applicant as demonstrated in the application and confirmed by referring elders. Applications will be judged by the Fund’s Board of Elders. Eligible applicants must currently be residents in the Wisconsin-Michigan area and must be enrolled and attending the institution described in this application before any cash award will be made by the Association. Those selected for the grants will be required to provide certification from their school of current enrollment.
- Wisconsin Student Assistance Grants Awards under this program are made to Wisconsin residents who are at least 25% Native American and are undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in degree or certificate programs at University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, independent colleges and universities, tribal colleges, or proprietary institutions based in Wisconsin. Awards are based on financial need with a limit of 10 semesters of eligibility.

The Occom Scholars program, part of the Native American Program at Dartmouth College has some funding available. Because Samson Occom’s mother wanted her son to have an education, she arranged for him to study with Eleazar Wheelock. Wheelock arranged for Occom to preach and tour in England and Scotland from 1765-68 as part of an effort to raise funds for a school for American Indians. Occom was popular. He raised £11,000, the equivalent of more than $2.7 million in 2012, for a school that was….again, intended to educate American Indians. Instead, the funds were used to found Dartmouth, which graduated only 19 Native students in its first 200 years. According to Dartmouth, more than 700 Native American students from 200 tribes have studied at Dartmouth since 1970. We support the participation of all students in this program, and we look forward to some of the Brothertown descendants of Occom benefiting from this particular effort of Occom.
- American Indian College Fund has information on scholarships to tribal colleges and universities as well as to other schools.
- Association on American Indian Affairs offers limited scholarships to members of non-federally recognized tribes.
- Saint Paul Public Schools has a diverse list of American Indian scholarships.
- identifies current programs available to Native American students.
- Purdue has a list of scholarship resources for minority students.