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Wausau Indigenous Peoples Day Event- October 14th

This event has ended

We will gather at 2:00 pm at Kickbush Plaza (146 W. Washington St. – Wausau, WI – Look for us behind the Marathon County Public Library near the Wisconsin River)

  • Help end the confusion, lies, and lacking historical information that has led to the celebration of Christopher Columbus, a person who, along with other European colonial explorers, took part in horrific violence, land theft, slavery, and genocide against Indigenous people.
  • Be a celebration of the incredible resilience and contributions of Indigenous people in the face of over five centuries of land theft, genocide, and many other forms of violence.
  • Be a Federal Holiday that completely replaces the celebration of Christopher Columbus. 
  • Be celebrated in Central Wisconsin by 2many nations and people from around the state.
  • Deepen our connections of solidarity and advance our movement for peace and the protection of basic human rights for all, our democracy, and Mother Earth

Please share this Poster and Facebook Event.