Lake Winnebago Water Walk 2024
This event has ended
June 13, 2024
All-day Event -
June 15, 2024
All-day Event
Join The Brothertown Indian Nation June 2024 – 13, 14,15
More detailed information on where to meet and how you can help support the event is coming – stay tuned!
Some information on Traditional Water Walks
Before the walk begins, the participants are smudged to clear out negative energy and promote good thoughts.
Women carry a traditional copper vessel that holds the Nupi “water.” Women also give life, so they are the keepers of the water on these walks. Because this is a sacred ceremony, women wear long skirts to show respect for the grass, for Mother Earth, and for themselves. Women on their moon do not carry the water during this time, as they are already in ceremony.
Walkers also carry inpáwôk “tobacco” to offer to any flowing streams or rivers they cross and also to honor any animals along the roads or trails.
Men carry our Tribe’s Eagle Staff. The Eagle Staff represents the honor of our tribe. Traditionally, men carry the eagle feather staff, but if there are no men in attendance, then women can carry the staff and the copper vessel.
Water walks are Indigenous-led, extended ceremonies to pray for the water. Every step is taken in prayer and gratitude for water, which is the source of all life. Ni yáyuw (It is so, amen).
Each woman carries the water and then passes the water to the next woman. On average the water may be carried 25-30 miles a day. Because this sacred ceremony is about duration and following the water’s flow, the relay allows us to maintain our strength through a balance of both rest and walking.