15th Annual United for Diversity – Celebrate CommUNITY
United for Diversity held its 15th Annual CELEBRATE commUNITY event on Saturday, February 17th, 2024, at the Fond du Lac County Fairground Expo Center. A great time was had by all, with many interested people stopping by our booth.
We had an opportunity to answer numerous questions about our Tribe, and we explained our unique history and heritage, our beginnings in New England – including our forced migration west and our ultimate home in Wisconsin. Additional questions revolved around our fight for Restoration, with many people signing our petition to support restoration. Once again, a huge THANK YOU to our Friends on the ceremonial drum, the Gii Taa’se Singers.
Along with the Brothertown Indian Nation, there were booths and performers representing Poland, Norway, Egypt, Ghana, Ireland, Tanzania, Bulgaria, China, Morocco, and several other nations. Additionally, there were booths representing Islam, the Fond du Lac Police Department, Sheriff, Fire and Rescue, and many more.
View our photos and video of our grand entry at the bottom of the page – and a special thank you to all our volunteers and dancers for the event!
Photos and video courtesy of Raven De,
Additional photos by Greg Wilson, and photos from Video by Scott Rodman

Click the photo below to watch the entry of The Brothertown Indian Nation at the 15th Annual United for Diversity