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Brothertown Youth page:

Brothertown Youth ( © Brothertown Citizen )

This section is dedicated to our tribal youth – the ever-important next generations of the Brothertown Tribe.  You will find stories, history, recipes, games, puzzles, crafts, and other fun activities.  Finally, there is a youth education page, which will be expanded in the coming months, where you can learn more about who we are, where we came from, and the stories of our ancestors. 

Our young tribal members are a vital priority to our nation.  As the wise Native proverb tells us: “We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children”. With that in mind, enjoy these pages and learn more about what it is to be Native American.

“We Are Still Here!” is a superb book for children by enrolled Cherokee author Traci Sorrell, and the reading is brought to us by Reading in a Virtual World on YouTube.

This book is essential for our Brothertown Youth (and every member) to learn about relocation, assimilation, allotment, termination, and more.  It covers the hardships of the Indigenous Peoples and their struggle to survive and keep our heritage and traditions. What you read and listen to below might not be taught in your schools.  This book is essential to read, listen to, and share with the next generations. Sit down, listen, and share with your children. (click the link below)

Take a moment to read what our winners of the 2002 essay contest entitled “What being a Brothertown Indian means to me?” wrote…


Native American Crafts:

Word Games:

Learn about our Native America History:

History Educational media:

Recipes: (to be prepared with your parents)