Colonialism and Its Impact on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples
“Colonialism and Its Impact on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples”
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Elisha D. Smith Public Library in Menasha, Wisconsin.
This discussion is appropriate for young adults and adults

Dr. Renee Gralewicz – Brothertown Elder, Peacemaker, and member of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Task Force will be giving a presentation on “Colonialism and Its Impact on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples”
“While not all indigenous history is US history, all US history is indigenous history. For too long indigenous peoples and nations have been defined and described by others. We are placed in the past, as defeated people. Even when depicted in contemporary times, we’re placed in regalia, again reflecting, and projecting our past, seldom in the present. This colonial representation affords most US Americans to ignore our present successes and the continued violence enacted upon us. We have become invisible. This presentation is meant to inform you about some of the tragic effects of colonialism.”