Samson Occom Day 2023
This event has ended
July 14, 2023
6:00 am -
July 16, 2023
10:00 pm
We have reached a milestone this year. The Brothertown Indian Nation is commemorating the 300th anniversary of Samson Occom’s Birth Year. While the exact day is not known, this is the reason, it will be celebrated by the entire tribe for the rest of the year and culminating in the Trip back to our Ancestral lands in October and spending time with our parent tribes.
Friday, June 14th, 2023 makes the tricentennial celebration that we Brothertown will spend a moment to remember what his vision has become over the past 300 years and what we all can do to support the tribe (in any way, large or small) through our continued efforts in restoring our Tribe its original design as a sovereign Nation, living a Christian based community.
The two most vital holidays of our tribe is Samson Occom Day (July 14th) and Eeyawquittoowauconnuck Day (Brothertown day, November 7th) the day Occom recorded in his journal as the date of the formal founding of our “body politick”.
A few links to read in celebration of our great ancestor whom we owe so much to…
- The Resolution copy passed by the Tribal Council establishing July 14th as “Samson Occom Day”
- The Forgotten Episode: Samson Occom – YouTube
- Every one should consider Downloading your own copy of the 1899 original printing of “Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England“ (no copyright infringement of the original book published which was published 124 years ago by William DeLoss Love in 1899.)
- View and read: Samson Occom, journal, 1743 December 6 to 1748 November 29 (professionally transcribed) (Abstract: Occom records his travels from 6 December 1743 to 29 November 1748.) from Dartmouth College – Occom Circle.)
- Some videos on each of our parent tribes we all decend from:
- The Mohegan People: History, Culture & Affiliations
- The Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center Virtual Tour and history
- The Narragansett Indian Tribe
- The Montauk/Montaukett People & Nation: Over A Century, Of Trying To Be Recognized As A People
- Listen to their voices: A film highlighting Eastern Pequot voices about their heritage, culture, and the longstanding indigenous archaeology project