Day 5: Archives and walking tour of our Stockbridge Brothers
A special thank you goes to the Calumet and Cross Heritage Society for all the planning and coordinating. Universally among the group, there was a feeling that it was not only the trip of a lifetime, but one that touched our hearts at a very deep level. It gave all of us a special meaning of who we are as a Tribe and where we all came from. From everyone both on the tour and viewing — we give everyone from Calumet and Cross a big Thank you!
In discussions amongst many of us, the trip was so special that we wanted to share more than just photographs. Everyone learned so much and felt so much that we wanted to create something special for all our members as fellow travelers with us in spirit. Enjoy.
*This is a work in progress, it will take a few days to compile all the hundreds of photographs and organize the descriptions so you can learn what we learned and perhaps, in a little way, experience what we felt.
As a final note, we all want to thank both our Parent Tribes and the many people who we met along the way who have consistently supported our tribe, and who opened their arms and welcomed us all as close family. This includes: The Mohegan Tribe, The Narragansett Tribe, The Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, our friends in Stockbridge, The Oneida Tribe our close friends in Deansboro, Clinton NY (home of the original Brothertown Tribe community – Eeyamquittoowauconnuck). Looking back at the more than five hundred photographs, we do not know how we fit it all in.
- Quick links to other galleries on the 2023 Samson Occom anniversary trip:
- Day 1: The Welcome Dinner – Samson Occom Anniversary Tour 2023.
- Day 2: The Mohegan Tribe, Tantaquidgeon Museum, and walking tours.
- Day 3: The Narragansett Tribe and theTomaquag Indian Museum.
- Day 4: The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Museum.
- Day 5: Archives and walking tour of our Stockbridge Brothers
- Day 6: Our ancestral lands in NY (Oneida museum and Hamilton College) – coming soon
- Day 7: Driving tour of area and the Thomas Dean Award Presentation – coming soon.