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Month: June 2022

WAUPUN mayor wants to add “End of the Trail” sculpture to city’s logo that represents the forced removal of Indigenous people.

WAUPUN (6/21/2022 Green Bay Press Bay Press-Gazette) – The End of the Trail sculpture in Waupun depicts a weary, historic Indigenous person on a weary horse and some locals are questioning the city’s mayor’s desire to market the statue on the city’s logo. view full article here…

“Many tourists take pictures with it,” said Waupun Mayor Rohn Bishop. “It’s here in Waupun and we should be proud of it. The statue is not racist. The statue is a tribute to what Native Americans went through.

“Firstly, it’s nice that the town has this beautiful piece of art,” said Renee Gralewicz, a citizen of Brothertown Indian Nation and peacemaker for the tribe’s judicial system, but who spoke as an individual and not on behalf of the tribe. “The problem is, what have they done lately for Indigenous America? It seems that in the U.S., Indigenous peoples are always placed in historical context, as if we are no longer here and no longer matter.”

So, if the town of Waupun only likes historical images, then the statue has little meaning to me and my relatives,” Gralewicz said. “It only allows the town to feel good about itself without doing anything to aid and honor the living. However, if the town is actually working to educate their citizens about real U.S. history and all its messiness, then the statue can be a good talking point.”

Reached for comment;

2022 Election Results

The results of the 2022 Tribal Election are in! The election for Chair, Treasurer, and Peacemaker were held on May 19th. The election for the Council seat was held on June 17th after a revised ballot was sent out following a printing error. Thank you to ALL candidates for running to serve the Tribe!


Phyllis Tousey: 211

Richard Schadewald: 175


Michelle Wood: 345

Councilmember (one seat):

Austin Hammond: 145

Hector Marroquin: 83


Greg Wilson: 351

Phyllis Tousey is sworn in as Chairperson by outgoing Chairman Robert Fowler.

Great news on the Brothertown Collection!

Wonderful news for the Brothertown Indian Nation Membership. The Oneida Nation Business Committee approved the transfer of ownership for the Brothertown Collection.

Left to right front row is Oneida Councilman Kirby Metoxen, Oneida Chairman Tehassi Hill, Brothertown Indian Nation Chairman Bob Fowler, Oneida Treasurer Cristina Danforth, Brothertown Indian Nation Tribal Historical Preservation officer Courtney Cottrell Gerzetich, Vice Chairman Brandon Yellowbird-Stevens. In the back from left to right Oneida Councilwoman Marie Summers, Oneida Secretary Lisa Liggins, and Oneida Councilman David Jordan

I was honored to be on the Council when the collection became known to the Tribe. There are so many gratitude’s needed here are just a few:

  • Loretta Metoxen, rest her soul, brought the collection to our attention. She also made the request for the Oneida Nation to purchase the collection.
  • Caroline Andler who spent countless time with Loretta verifying the collection.
  • Richard Hill, former Oneida Chairperson, who graciously reached out to me when Loretta made a request to purchase the collection on behalf of the Brothertown Nation.
  • Courtney Cottrell-Gerzetich, Brothertown Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, who worked hard with the personnel of Oneida Culture Department on the Collection. Dr. Cottrell also began the process of the Oneida Nation returning ownership to the Brothertown. She created the tribe to tribe document for access to the collection and was instrumental in the transfer document that was approved.
  • Oneida Nation Business Committee for all they have done for the Collection.
  • Brothertown Chairperson Bob Fowler, Vice Chairperson Jessica Ryan and the Council for steadfast support throughout the Collections journey back to us.

I know I missed too many people so forgive my oversight. A deep personal thank you to my Oneida relatives and friends.

*Post provided by Craig Cottrell

Honoring a Brothertown Indian – June 12th 10 am

On Sunday, June 12 at 10am, there will be a memorial bench dedication at Brothertown’s Union Cemetery in honor of Mark Alan Baldwin.  Mark was born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin but later relocated to California’s Bay Area where he passed away suddenly, at his home, on April 25, 2021.

For over four decades, Mark worked in service of the Brothertown Indians. He began a contemporary tribal newsletter in the 1980s, spearheaded numerous grants, served on Tribal Council, and volunteered for countless projects and committees. A few years ago, Mark helped to establish, and served as president for, Calumet and Cross Heritage Society; a nonprofit that works to preserve and share the history of the Brothertown Indians. 

One of Mark’s final projects with Calumet and Cross was to begin work on a series of historical markers for culturally important sites in and around Brothertown, Wisconsin. Union Cemetery is one of these sites and is the final resting place for many Brothertown Indians; including some of Mark’s relatives. The new bench will sit under the trees near the entrance; ready to offer assistance, as Mark always was, to anyone in need.