The Brothertown Indian YouTube channel continues to expand!
Two new playlists have been added to learn more about our tribe:

- The Brothertown Indians – Parent tribes (12 videos)
- Shape Note singing (7 videos many from the collection of Seth Wenger who produced the mini documentary of Tribal members to Connecticut in 2018)
Please take a moment to Subscribe to the BIN Channel to show your support for the tribe and these efforts…

Additional videos which can be found on the BIN channel include:
- Education: History and Heritage of the Brothertown Indian Nation (8 videos)
- Additional Education of the Brothertown Indians (7 videos from Brothertown Forward)
- Homecoming 2021 – The Brothertown Indian Nation (5 videos including virtual tour of BINCC)
- Additional Brothertown Indian Nation videos (4 videos)