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November 7: Eeyamquittoowauconnuck “Brothertown” Day – An important Milestone on our Journey to Restoration.

Happy Eeyamquittoowauconnuck (Brothertown day),  November 7th, 2023!

On October 20, 2019, the Brothertown Indian Nation Tribal Council passed a resolution officially making November 7th Eeyamquittoowauconnuck or Brothertown Day for the Tribe.

This Council resolution was followed up by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers who issued a State Proclamation making November 7th, Eeyamquittoowauconnuck or Brothertown Day for the State of Wisconsin October 29th, 2020. The State of Wisconsin has had a history of honoring The Brothertown Indian Nation and their decades of contributions to the State of Wisconsin by naming October 1982 to October 1983 as “Year of the Brotherton”, by Governor Lee Dreyfus

**You can see the signed proclamations and other documents further down the page…. 

Proclamation by the Governor of the State of Wisconsin, Tony Evers Declaring November 7th as Eeyamquittoowaukonnuck (Brothertown) Day,

Take a moment to think about what the Tribe means to you, your family, our ancestors, and the Tribe’s future generations. Below are some links for some personal time for remembrance and to learn more about our tribe on this important date:

From the Brothertown Council, Peacemakers, Our Elders, and all our members from: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pacific Northwest, and throughout North America.  It has been a long journey to arrive at who the Brothertown Indian Nation has become today in 2023.

Happy Eeyamquittoowauconnuck (Brothertown day),  November 7th, 2023!

Brothertown Council Resolution naming November 7th as Eeyamquittoowanconnuck (Brothertown) Day.

1982-3 Year of the Brotherton – the State of Wisconsin Proclamation by Governor Lee Dreyfus


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