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Latest Mystery Drawing Winners

Our members are the lifeblood of our Tribe, and the Mystery Drawing is only one way we show our appreciation for all members and their daily efforts in helping our tribe succeed.

Thank you all for your Support!

Our latest winners were announced in our Volunteer Mystery Drawing, they include: Christina Straw, who won the “lucky feather” (which means Christina receives an extra 10 drawing chances for the “BIG” Dec. 14, 2024, gathering prize, and Scott Nelson who won a $25 Subway gift card. Congratulations!

2024 Brothertown Meet the Candidates Forum on Zoom

ALL candidates, citizens, and Brothertown descendants are invited to attend the “Meet the Candidates” forum via Zoom. Event is Sunday, May 5th at 4:30pm PT/ 5:30 pm MT/ 6:30pm CT/ 7:30pm ET

  • The candidates for the 2024 Brothertown Indian Nation elections have been announced as follows:
    • Vice Chair (one position to fill): Jessica Ryan (incumbent), Craig Cottrell
    • Council (two positions to fill): Dawn Kraintz (incumbent), Hector Marroquin, Will Ottery
    • Peacemaker (one position to fill) : Greg Elsen (incumbent)

To obtain log-in information, please visit the Election Page here on the tribal website to request your access. The Election Committee will send you the link to join via email.

Candidate Forum Ground Rules:

  • We will treat each other with mutual respect
  • We will maintain a decorum which exemplifies how our Ancestors lived
  • Focus upon issues affecting our community today and tomorrow
  • Arrive at this particular time with a good heart and spirit

Below is the agenda and the questions that will be presented to help voters better understand each candidate’s goals and views concerning issues facing the Tribe today. Please also note the forum’s ground above.


  • Invocation 
  • Candidate introductions and brief bios
  • Candidate questions (listed below)
  • Open floor questions if candidates so desire 
  • Wrap up with reminders on how/when to vote

Candidate Questions:

1. What are 1 or 2 of the Brothertown Indian Nation’s greatest strengths?

2. What are 1 or 2 opportunities that our nation could improve upon?

3. What is the most important issue facing BIN & Tribal Council(Council candidates) or Peacemakers (Peacemaker candidate) today?

4. What qualities or resources do you possess that you feel will best serve the citizens of Brothertown?

Brothertown Indian Nation’s Recent Mystery Drawing and Powwow Winners!

During the April 6th Brothertown Powwow, winners were announced in our Volunteer Mystery Drawing as well as the Powwow Raffle.  Winners included Annette Pownell and Rose Pelky (winners of gift cards) and Tijana Williams (winner of a hand-carved walking stick for the Powwow Raffle).

Congratulations, Winners!

This is the Brothertown Tribe’s way of thanking our valued volunteers, the lifeblood of our Tribe! Thank you all for your support!

Announcing “Mystery Drawings” to honor all Brothertown!

This announcement comes with warmth and appreciation to all Brothertown for their exceptional volunteerism, engagement, and willingness to lend a helping hand when needed. It has been the “Brothertown Way” since we were founded 238 years ago in 1785; and we continue to live the way our founders envisioned: helping one another. 

Thank you!

But (there always is a but), while we have been very busy, the next few years will be the most challenging time for fulfilling our foundational goals of Restoration.  Without you, it could not happen; with you – we all can succeed! Please read the information below. Again, thanks to every one of you.

T-Shirt Design Contest Open for Lake Winnebago Water Walk

We have much artistic Talent in the Brothertown Tribe, asking for you for your design ideas! (limit 4 designs per person)

Get the whole family involved, be exited to see your design worn by all the walkers! Better yet, join the event by walking with others wearing your design!

The 10th annual Lake Winnebago Water Walk is taking place June 13-15th. Ahead of the event, Brothertown Indian Nation is seeking t-shirt designs. See the flyer below for more information.