Just days before BIN Homecoming 2022
Brothertown Indian Nation homecoming Saturday, October 15, 2022
–Detailed information for the Brothertown Indian Nation Homecoming 2022–
We will gather together at the Brothertown Indian Nation Community Center, 311 Winnebago Drive, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin for a morning powwow! (Virtual Homecoming begins at 10am) Bring a potluck dish-to-pass for a lunchtime feast meal; and get ready for an afternoon full of activities, visiting and coming together as a community!
- Events:
- 9am – Doors open
- 9:30am – Veterans & Dancers line up
- 10am Virtual Homecoming begins
- (See Zoom login information at the bottom of this release)
- 10am – Grand Entry
- 12:30pm – Feast
- 1:30pm-4:30pm – Presentations, Crafts, Music & More!
Please wear regalia/dance outfits, ribbon skirts and ribbon shirts if you have them! We will have specials to honor our new members and volunteers.
- Join us for:
- Music
- Give-Aways
- Raffles
- Vendors
- Make & Take Crafts
- Nation Updates
- Presentations
- Museum Tours
- Gift Shop
Questions: vicechair@brothertownindians.org Skip Blanc 906-280-0565 or Jessica Ryan 612-508-3364 Vendors: contact Jessica Ryan 612-508-3364
As you are aware, due to health concerns related to COVID-19, we had to have a mostly remote Homecoming in 2020, with a few of us in person at the Community Center in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin while others joined in remotely on Zoom. In 2021, we were still experiencing the effects of COVID-19 and again hosted a hybrid Homecoming.
Here we are in 2022 and we could not be more excited to welcome all of you back HOME!
Throughout the day, we invite you to checkout our amazing Vendors and Craft Store to get clothes, lotions, decorations, beadwork, jewelry, mugs, cards for yourself or gifts! There will be amazing Raffle items to bid on! Donations received already include a ribbon skirt, books and crafts! If you have a basket/items to donate, please bring it and look for Jane.
In the afternoon, we have many activities and visiting planned: Roger Straw will introduce the wampum/quahog belt he made during the Pandemic for our Community; there will be multiple presentations on tribal projects, restoration efforts and more! Make and take crafts for all ages. The Museum will be open with new items, including a recently donated letter from 1817!
To join BIN Virtual Homecoming Zoom event: Begins at 9:30am CST (7:30am PST, 8:30am MST, and110:30am EST) ( the vitual meeting is planned to be live for approximately an hour and a half)
https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85696136274?pwd=MFBCVENwVVpKbkhBb2ZoQ0FHV1F1UT09 Meeting ID: 856 9613 6274
Passcode: 952603
One tap mobile
+15873281099,,85696136274#,,,,*952603# Canada Dial by your location
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
Meeting ID: 856 9613 6274
Passcode: 952603
Find your local number: https://us05web.zoom.us/u/lehRXgcrz