Happy Eeyamquittoowauconnuck (Brothertown) Day – Nov. 7th

On October 29, 2020, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed the Second proclamation the Brothertown Nation has received from the State of Wisconsin — naming November 7th as Eeyamquittoowauconnuck (Brothertown) day. You can see the signed proclamation and other documents below. As some remember, our first Proclamation goes back to 1982 in naming a “Year of the Brotherton”.
This day is to celebrate not only the heritage of our Tribe, the decades of trials that our Ancestors endured (from New England, to New York, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kansas, etc.) but includes many Brothertown from many places proudly recognized as the Brothertown Indian Nation! We celebrate together with our Engagement, Community, and inclusiveness as a single tribe. Whether in Fond du Lac, greater Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Pacific Northwest, and a multitude of other locations – we are Brothertown and stand together.
Take a moment to think about what the Tribe means to you, your ancestors, and future generations. We are also including some links to go to for some personal time and to learn more about our tribe on this important date:
- From the Brothertown Indian Nation YouTube channel:
- A few other videos to allow members to be with the tribe in some way on this important day – through our YouTube channel (a big thank you to Brothertown Forward for these pieces of history of the tribe):
- If your interests are history of a different time, please check out our extended play list including:
- Shape Note Singing,
- Our parent tribes,
- Education: Histories and Heritage of the Brothertown Indian Nation,
- Additional Education videos on the Brothertown (with several authors and writers on Brothertown books and research)
- BIN virtual Homecoming 2021
- Mohegan Language videos
- And a play list of Native American Youth stories for our younger members
- All these can be reached by clicking here or using this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNH-y2F5G_rjViy_8GUMoeg
From the Council, Peacemakers, and members in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pacific Northwest, and members throughout North America it has been a long journey to arrive at who the Brothertown Indian Nation is in 2022.
Happy Eeyamquittoowauconnuck (Brothertown day)!