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Return of Brothertown Collection Taking Place on July 25th as part of Oneida Nation’s Bicentennial Celebration

Mark your calendar, and plan on attending this long-awaited event at the Oneida Nation’s 200-year dedication Breakfast Event. The event will take place at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay. The doors open at 7:45 a.m., and the Brothertown Indian Archival Presentation begins around 9:25, which closes out the breakfast event.

Brothertown relatives are invited to be part of the exchange and celebration of Oneida Nation’s bicentennial. BIN Chairwoman Phyllis Tousey and BIN THPO Courtney Gerzetich will be part of the event, making remarks. Many have worked tirelessly in securing and protecting the Brothertown Collection, and we hope you’ll join in on marking this special occasion, where BIN will show its gratitude to our Oneida relatives.

Brothertown and Oneida leaders gathered in 2022 to begin planning the transfer of the Brothertown Collection. Left to right front row is Oneida Councilman Kirby Metoxen, Oneida Chairman Tehassi Hill, Former Brothertown Indian Nation Chairman Bob Fowler, Oneida Treasurer Cristina Danforth, Brothertown Indian Nation Tribal Historical Preservation officer Courtney Cottrell Gerzetich, Vice Chairman Brandon Yellowbird-Stevens. In the back from left to right is Former Oneida Councilwoman Marie Summers, Oneida Secretary Lisa Liggins, and Oneida Councilman David Jordan.

In addition to the breakfast event on Tuesday, Oneida Nation has planned a full week of events to mark the bicentennial. A full schedule can be found here.

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