Tuesday’s Oneida 200-Year Dedication Breakfast and the passing of the Brothertown Collection.
From our Reporter (and photographer) on the scene “Raven De”. Also in attendance was Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and other dignitaries.
The Oneida Nation is celebrating 200 years in Wisconsin this week with many cultural activities and programs. They hosted a breakfast Tuesday’s as a kickoff to this week’s events and part of their program, spoke in length of the relationship they have with the Brothertown Indian Nation.
Many years ago, our relatives at Oneida came to our aid and took in a collection of Brothertown artifacts for safe keeping. Today was the day those items were returned home to Brothertown.
We celebrated with a ceremonial exchange of goods, including a strand of wampum, a hand carved wooden eagle feather, many bolts of calico and a jar of sacred tobacco grown from seeds given to the Nation by our ancestors on the East Coast.
Over twenty Brothertown Indians were present today to help celebrate this historic occasion. Enjoy the event from the lens of Raven De!