Brothertown Members at Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Wausau
WAUSAU, Wis. (WAOW) –Wyatt Williams, Multimedia Reporter
Many observed Christopher Columbus Day on Monday, but many tribal groups are pushing to swap it for Indigenous Peoples’ Day. They say it should recognize the many tribes who were pushed off of their land. They hope to find mutual respect and love moving forward.

Mayor Doug Diny and many tribal members spoke at an event celebrating Indigenous people from the past and present. They sang tribal songs and spoke the language that connected them to their ancestors.
The movement started in 2021 when President Joe Biden declared October 14th Indigenous People’s Day. The rain and gloomy skies made for a cold day, but it didn’t stop many from gathering on Washington Street.
James Pendleton, a member of the Brothertown Indian Nation, said, “I think it shows a lot. We even had the mayor here the entire time, and that shows a lot. It’s important these people need to know what’s going on in our community as well. I mean, we’re also members of the community…”
Phyllis Tousey, Brothertown Indian Nation Chairwoman, continued, “…It helps people that are here, native people, young children to know, hey, you’re important, we value you, we recognize who you are.”
After the event wrapped up, the group made a meal for everyone there to share while enjoying their time together.